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My biography

The story of my journey into the world of humanistic photography


Giorgio Negro

Giorgio Negro was born in Turin in 1959, to a Swiss mother and an Italian father. He spends his childhood and youth in the peaceful surroundings of the Italian province, in the small town of Susa. At the University he graduates in Electronics Engineering, but after 10 years as a software specialist, in 1995 he decides to start working for the International Committee of the Red Cross. He will then be involved for 23 years in humanitarian operations in many war zones around the world: Chechnya, Colombia, Peru, Chad, Sudan, Israel, Libya, Iraq and other countries.  

Giorgio Negro fotografo

Meanwhile, in 2005 he meets Ernesto Bazan and Dario De Dominicis, two Italian photographers thanks to whom he starts loving black and white photography and who become his friends and mentors. This marks the beginning of a magical journey into the world of humanistic photography. In the limited free time that his challenging work allows him, Giorgio takes photographs alone or with Bazan and De Dominicis, essentially in Latin America.


In 2017, he quits his humanitarian job to devote himself to his family, photography and leisure.


In 2019 he published his first photographic book "Pathos", for BazanPhotoEditing, followed in 2021 by "Meno di Due Secondi", with texts by him and by Giovanna Gammarota, for Editoriale Voglino. In 2022 the documentary movie "Um outro Francisco" ("Another Francis") premieres: a full-length film about the surprising veneration of the Italian Saint Francis of Assisi in northeastern Brazil.
A collaborative photographic project with Dario De Dominicis, filmed for 4 years by the Cuban-Brazilian director Margarita Hernandez on behalf of Bucanero Film and Globo Film of Brazil.



Exhibitions, presentations, conversations: accompany me in my photographic adventure by following my activities

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Giorgio Negro esposizioni fotografiche



Selected Winner Latin America Fotografia Award.


Selected Winner “Los Diez”, Latin America Fotografia Award.
Winner Lens Culture Emerging Talents Awards.
Finalist at the Miami Street Photography Award.
4th place at the PND Photojournalism in B&W Award. 


First Prize: Milano Street Photo Award.
Finalist at the SIPA – Siena International Photo Awards.
1rst place at IPA (International Photography Award), category Analog/Film-Other.
Honorable Mention at IPA, category Book-Documentary, with the book “Pathos”.
Selected Winner “Los Diez”, Latin America Fotografia Award.
First Prize: Premio Fotografia Etica Festival di Lodi
First Prize: Italy Photo Award
First Prize: Premio Editoriale “Voglino”


Selected Winner American Photography 36
Finalist at AAP-All About Photo B&W Award


Selected for show at Les Nuits De Pierrevert Photo Festival
Finalist at InCadaqués Foto Festival Award