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Latin America, 2005


An intimate and personal journey, even before a physical one, through the thousand faces of Latin America. This is my vision in the face of the ambiguities and contrasts of the Latin American continent. A vision strongly influenced by my professional experience: I have been a Delegate to the International Committee of the Red Cross for more than 20 years and have worked in many war zones.

I faced violence, human cruelty and its consequences on a daily basis.

The photos were taken during my free time or during my holidays, i.e. away from the crisis areas where I worked. However, the images remain imbued with the duality of Good-Evil, which is always sharpened during war and which I have experienced firsthand. For me, the photographic process has become a "rediscovery" of the world through a critical lens: one that allows one to see the coexistence of good and evil everywhere and in every human being (often metaphorically). But without pessimism or moral judgments. Just as a fact. I have seen violence where there seemed to be peace and found poetry where there should have been only pain.
Without any journalistic or documentary objective, I limited myself to meeting people, animals and the environment, always seeking an empathic contact with the subjects of my photos. I photographed what caught my eye. No images were staged, they were just snapshots, even if sometimes they were the result of long waits and even longer conversations. There are no descriptions of places or countries, but only sketches of casual encounters, soft feelings, strong sensations, sweet memories.

I started taking these photos in 2005, initially without a defined goal, and then more selectively. After 15 years I felt the need to give a framework and meaning to my photographic work: the publication of the book of the same name "Pathos" was a very important editorial and emotional process for me. It was like looking back and becoming aware of what I had gone through to elaborate my experiences of being close to the dark, but also to the bright side of the human being

  • Latin America
  • 2005